Mark Mariani

Greenwich / West Harrison, NY Businessman and Entrepreneur

Mark Mariani embodies a distinctive, dynamic approach to landscape and home design. The “roots” of his creative intentionality are how natural and comfortable it feels when he is in the woods or on top of earth moving machines. The highest points of trees became his boyhood classroom and from the highest treetops he committed to memory what would become the foundation for replicating nature’s balance, interconnectedness and beauty in his landscape and home designs.

    At only nine years old, Mark taught himself how to drive a car, and used his daily job of locking the gates of the neighborhood cemetery to understand the woods’ seasonal surprises, contours and textures. Other jobs including snow shoveling, establishing and maintaining garden beds and teaching himself how to drive a bulldozer would permanently tie Mark to the earth in a way that felt natural and inspiring.

    At 21, Mark founded the landscape and home design firm of Mark Mariani, Inc. His exacting, detailed style of creating beautiful gardens and residences, spanning over 40 years, like many of his clients, define an award winning career that continues to be emulated in Greenwich, the Hamptons and surrounding the surrounding Connecticut and New York areas.

Professional Credentials

Areas of Interest

  • Property Development
  • Landscaping
  • Home Design

Home Building Guidelines

  • Honoring Nature
  • Unique and Stunning Designs
  • To Preserve the Land

Connect with Mark Mariani

Mr. Mariani loves to connect and network with others in the field and those interested in property development.  You can get in touch with Mark through the form located below on the contact page, and he will get back to you as soon as possible.


Monday - Friday: 9:00-5:30

We are here

West Harrison, NY
Greenwich, CT